Thursday, April 2, 2015

Worm Factory 360 is here!!

So I forked out the cash and bought a Worm Farm 360.  Here is the stock photo from the makers' site.

Worm Farm 360 new kit

With Spring jumping up and down in my face and all the new tasks that come with, I wanted to be able to dump out a box and just have it done.  I have promised the minis that I would get red wigglers for them for over a year and never had made the time.

Heres the boxes

One with the starter kit and one with the additional 4 trays.  Well, we might as well go all out... Plus Paypal had a 6 months no finance charge with purchase over a certain amount so we got the whole darn thing.

Ok so I already made my first mistake.  I knew I was making this mistake going in.  The worm farm where I ordered my wigglers from had 2000 worms on sale for $39.99 at the time of my ordering with free shipping.  If I had only ordered 1000 wigglers (what is the suggested # to use in the WF360 per the mfg.) it was going to cost $19.99 plus $9.95 shipping.

So technically for an extra ten bucks I could have another 1000 worms.  Im not sure at this point what Im going to do with them but I have a couple of options.... 
1) order another Worm Farm  (not likely at this point till it proves itself)
2) put them outside in a tire tower thing I saw on pinterest
3) take one of the million tubs I have around here and make a worm bin (which I wanted to avoid in the first place)

Either way Ill have them a new home by tomorrow since they wont even be here for another day or two.

Once they get here I will have a 2 part tutorial on the set up and starting of our new worm condo, which will be set up in our kitchen.

The all too popular Red Wigglers

I know its been seen and done all over the internet but I haven't done it yet.

I've got WORMS!!!  Well, not yet.  I have placed my order with Uncle Jim.  They say they ship every Monday so I would get the little wigglies mid week.  My Worm Factory 360 should be here Monday.

I went all out and just bought a kit to get me started.  Very unlike me as it was $$ but I don't have the time to build something of my own and I wanted something in the house that way I would keep a good eye on the happenings since this is our first go round.

Ive heard good and not so good reviews about the 360 but thought I'd give it a shot and if I like it I would come up with another one when the worms start multiplying.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

So for the last year and a half...

Long time no see!   I have wanted to revive this blog and make it into something that I could be proud of.  I have been busy - you know, life in general and haven't made a whole lot of me time.

Well a new tutorial will be the start of setting aside that little bit of a day here and there for me (and you!)

I just ordered a Worm Farm 360 and a bunch of red wigglers!  Hope you follow in my ventures this coming year!