Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Intro and a place to share.

I have been working on and off on blogs for quite some time. Nothing ever really comes of it but I have tried. Cooking ones, crafting ones, soaping ones...... nothing I have been happy with.

However, this time I feel like it will be different. The last 2 years have been a roller coaster. The last year has been trying at times but has also been wonderful.

I just had my 7th baby on Monday (birth story will be another post!) I feel like coming up to her birth or lives were changing. Everything has felt different. I cannot explain it exactly, but things have just been different.

We still live the way we have been, go to the same church, eat the same, dress the same, but things just feel different. I guess you could say I feel like I have let go and have just let things be. I don't get wrapped up into the mess and chaos of the everyday....whatever. I dont get upset and stressed about family drama, or now the lack there of since I choose not to deal with the nighmare that is one side of my "family".

I am a grown woman that has made her own choices. They may not always be the right ones but it is my life and all I ask is that everyone respect the fact that I may not live the way you do, that I have a house full of children that I love dearly, and that I CHOOSE to live off the land and have a hurricane of kids & animals following behind me.

I cook from scratch & yes I use LARD, make our own soap (and clothes when I have time) , butcher our own meat, grow and can everything out of the garden, and support my husband in using draft horses for putting up the hay and plowing.

I love my life- its not always easy, most of the time hard.

One of my favorite quotes:

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well." -
-- Theodore Roosevelt


  1. Congratulations on your new addtion!

  2. Congrats on #7? Did I read that right? I have seven kids too... but our baby is twelve. I look forward to reading your blog :)I like it already... the empty plate of food picture cracked me up! I say my kids are like a swarm of locusts when there are goodies in the house! LOL
    Kimber from Stilettos in the Mud: Confessions of a Counterfeit Country Girl
